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Social Media Reality 101: If You’re Not Differentiating, You’re Not Marketing.

A self described “social media heretic” told me furtively, for he did not dare to be overheard on the Internet: “So many marketers are desperate for answers these days, wondering where to focus. And the social media marketing people are basically telling them that Social Media is the focus, the marketing goal itself. It’s free and it goes to 100 Million people from your iPad! Just “join the conversation” do SEO (search engine optimization), keep on tweeting and soon you’ll be picked up everywhere!”

I’m going to say what he wanted to: If you’re investing in social media for marketing, but you are neglecting to differentiate yourself–not showing instantly and obviously why someone needs YOU vs.  twenty competitors, you might as well be chasing fool’s gold. A social media strategy alone is not a differentiation strategy, not a business strategy, a marketing, or a set-yourself-apart strategy. It’s a media strategy. A media strategy without a message is like bringing a Vuvuzela to a World Cup game. You’ll be loud but you won’t stand out much.

Many of those who make a living selling Social Media to business people say they do pay heed to the idea side of Marketing. They’ll remind you to have “killer content,” of course. Most famously, “Just make it remarkable. Now let’s get back to our blogs.” Finding and expressing your big difference is treated like an afterthought, when it should be the marketers #1 priority, always.

So remember that social media is called “media” because that’s what it is. It’s not your message. Though it’s amazing and revolutionary, it’s still just another pipe like TV. Unless you put a unique, important selling idea through the pipe, the media can’t deliver any ROI. It only can if you make an offer to do something no one else does. Give me a 5 word idea like “The Blanket that has Sleeves.” Or, The only shoes that breathe. Give it to me so I can remember and repeat it, and it goes top of mind when I have a need. Focus your energy on that, as you conduct your social media, and you’ll be holding real gold. Truer today than ever.

The grown-ups know this (P&G only spends about 5% on Social Marketing) do this (made from sugar so it tastes like sugar) and will whip your butt in the marketplace if you don’t. Differentiate before you talk or you’re wasting everyone’s time. Marketing is an eternal battle between fool’s gold and real gold. Now here’s the eternal truth: Only Differentiating along with your Social Media broadcasting, will get you to the real stuff.

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